
Aurora PN-License


PN comes with a one year free trial, afterwards is licensed on 1 year or 5 year terms.

Upon the first login after the license has expired, PN will enter a 15 day grace period where the system functions normally. This is for users that don’t access the system that often to give them a time period to get the licensing done while still allowing them to make the changes they need to.


Enable Life Safety Mode
  • Pulsing Doors
  • Removing Users/ Credentials
  • Overriding Doors, Floors, Inputs and Outputs
  • Override to Crisis Level
  • Removing Administrators, Changing Passwords and Modifying Permissions
  • Panel Commands (Update Panels, Reset Anti-Passback, Disconnect Panel, Firmware Update, etc.)
Disabled Life Safety Mode
  • Adding/ Modifying Users/ Credentials
  • Adding/ Modifying Holiday
  • Viewing Cameras/ Reports
  • Changing Time Zones


Please download the technical documents here